The Rise and Rise of Small Business Saturday

American Express has a long history of championing the high street, and is proud to have been a founder of the first ever Small Business Saturday back in 2010 in the US.

Now in its twelfth year in the UK, the campaign has grown significantly year on year encouraging millions to shop small.

As well as gaining significant media coverage and support from leading political and business figures, Tweets posted in support of the campaign reached more than 100 million people, with #SmallBizSatUK and #SmallBusinessSaturday trending in the UK throughout the day.

The ethos at the heart of the Small Business Saturday campaign has remained: to promote small businesses at the heart of the holiday season and to help this invaluable sector of the economy grow and thrive.

Like Small Business Saturday, American Express understands that small businesses and the people that run them have a unique place in local communities across the UK and wants to shine a light on the benefits of shopping small.

From the expertise offered through to the feeling of being known when ordering the ‘usual,’ American Express are dedicated to helping deliver loyal, repeat customers who over time can become your advocates.

Last year’s Shop Small national campaign was a huge success showcasing and celebrating small businesses from all over the UK in the lead up to Small Business Saturday.

As part of the activity, American Express Cardmembers who spent more than £15 with participating small businesses on the day received a £5 credit.

From a single day in the US in 2010, Small Business Saturday's success over the past seven years is the perfect tribute for hard-working entrepreneurs around the world. The world of small business can be a challenging environment, but with people's love for their communities' enterprises seen beyond just the day itself, and with the support of partners like American Express, Small Business Saturday's impact can only continue to grow.