Small Business Saturday Blog

12 Top Tips for Micro-businesses

Monday, January 15, 2018 at 13:55

On#microbizmatters day we shared 12 top tips on running your business to supporttheir #IGave12 campaign which encourages others to give 12 to a micro businessowner.
Focusing onbusiness advice, branding and marketing there are some great tips for all kindsof businesses and some helpful links to further help from our Small BusinessCommunity.
Running yourbusiness
1. Get connected
Don’t feel likeyou have to be alone. Running your own business can be lonely and having otherentrepreneurs and thought laders around you can really help to develop ideasand provide key support as well as a great sounding board for queries.
The FSB(Federation of Small Businesses) is a great organisation so check out @fsb_voice for more help and advice for Small Business.
2. Get social!
Today it iseasier than ever to connect with peers online and join support groups andbusiness development pages on social media. Be brave, sign up and get asking(and supporting) other small businesses. There may be someone out there thatneeds your expertise too!
EnterpriseNation has great meet-ups and networking opportunities, search @e_nation on twitter.
3. Money matters
Make sure thatyou get good financial advice when setting up or running your business. Goodfinancial planning, clear strategies/forecasting and a good accountant can savea lot of sleepless nights and heartache.
If you want tofind someone local to you with specific expertise, check out @ACCA_UK for your local member.
4. It’s all about me
Whether you area sole trader or have a small team, you need to look after you. It’s temptingto take on all the roles and run yourself into the ground in order to move yourbusiness forward but as the saying goes, ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’.You are the most important asset for your business, you must look after yourneeds in order to run a business to the best of your ability.
Marketing andsocial media
5. Make a plan
Planning is keyfor a marketing strategy. Don’t create an unrealistic plan as this can bedemoralising and leave you feeling defeated. Set yourself small simple goalsand these can be increased as you see success. It may be a target number offollowers on Facebook, a specific number of sign-ups for a newsletter orexhibiting goals.
If you need helpwith a marketing plan, check out Marketing by Minal  @Minal2804
6. Be where your customers are
It may soundobvious but with so many social media platforms it can sometimes feel veryoverwhelming and like you have to be everywhere at once! Find the social mediaplatform that most speaks to your customers, most people are on Facebook sothat is an obvious start but you may consider other platforms like Instagram ifyour business is creative or particularly visual. Do some research and seewhere your customers are visiting.
7.Aim for relationships not justsales
Building strongrelationships with your customers will mean that they are more likely to be arepeat customer and share their good experiences with others. Micro businessesare all about the people at the very heart of them. Be brave and put yourself,your passion for your product/service and your business into all yourinteractions to make sure you stick in their minds for exceptional customerservice.
8. Keep in touch
Don’t be afraidto ask someone for their contact details. Mailing lists have a bad reputationbut used carefully and compassionately they can be a great tool to inform yourcustomers, advise them of great offers and let that personality shine through.Similarly, every day we come across opportunities to network (especially if youproduce a wearable product), always make sure you have a supply of businesscards and details you can pass on.
If you need more help with yourmarketing, one of our fab small business community Karen Campbell could helpyou. Check out @k_c_marketing for somegreat blogs, advice and tips.
9. Have a good name and logo.
 A strong brand is easily recognizable.Recognition starts with the name of your business. The name will appear on yourbusiness cards, letterhead, website, social networks, promotional materials,products, and pretty much everywhere in print and online to identify yourcompany or your company’s products and/or services. People commonly associatebrands with the brand’s logo. As you think about your logo, keep your audienceand products/services in mind because you want your logo to reflect yourcompany. A good logo builds trust and a strong logo will help to pull yourbrand together.
10. Find your brand voice.
What you say isimportant, but don’t overlook how you say it. Your company’s “voice” is thelanguage and personality you and your employees will use to deliver yourbranding message and reach your customers. Successful brands speak with aunique voice. Think about the brands you admire – what makes them unique? Howdo they communicate with you and other customers? What do you like about theirvoice?
11. Deliver value for your customers.
Value doesn’tmean lowest price. You can focus on product, great customer service , deliveryof service, or a combination of those things. When thinking about the valueyour company delivers ask what sets your product or service apart from otherswith similar products/services. A personable company with an excellent productare strong emotional drivers for a customer to purchase.
12. Create a personality.
When you aredeciding on how to brand your company and ‘voice’ it sometimes helps to thinkof it as a person. Analysing that character’s beliefs, likes and dislikes,where they live and what their lifestyle is like. This will help you find yourtarget customer and solidify your brand.
One of ourfavourite personalities is Alison Edgar from The Entrepreneurs Godmother, go to@aliedgar13 to check her out!
Small Business Saturday provideshelp and support for all Small Businesses throughout the year by providingworkshops, webinars and informative content.
Small Business Saturday UK alsohighlights small business success and encourages consumers to ‘shop local’ andsupport small businesses in their communities.


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