Small Business Saturday Blog

SmallBiz100 Frequently Asked Questions

Thursday, June 07, 2018 at 09:40

We are delighted to have once again openedapplications for the Small Biz 100! It’s a unique opportunity for you tocelebrate and promote your small business, to learn from other small businessowners, and to join our growing Small Biz 100 alumni family.
Here are someanswers to common questions about the Small Biz 100.
What is the Small Biz 100?
Small BusinessSaturday chooses 100 amazing small businesses from the thousands ofapplications we receive, and then highlight one small business every day forthe 100 days leading up to Small Business Saturday on 1st December 2018. The100 receive exposure on our social media channels and in local and nationalpress, and also have the opportunity to meet and work with other smallbusinesses, creating a valuable network and support system.
Who can apply to be in Small Biz 100?
Any kind of smallbusiness based in the UK can apply, whether it's retail or online, professionalservices to personal training.
When and how can I apply?
Applicationsopened on 1st June and will close on 30th June. Successful applicants will benotified by email in August. Click here to start the application process.
I get an error message when I try toregister with my email address.
Please make surethat your email address is right (it's happened to all of us!) and that youhave both read the T&Cs and checked the little box to say you are happywith them.
If it's still notworking, please send a screen shot of the error and we will help you from there.
I registered with my email address butdidn't receive an email.
Please check yourspam folders – it's quite likely that we're hiding in there. If it's been acouple of hours and you haven't received an email, please let us know via
I can't log in with the email address andpassword that I used to register.
Please ensureyour password is correct. Our password system is case sensitive.
I finished my application to be in SmallBiz 100, but want to change something. Is this possible?
Yes - you can change your application right up to the deadline at midnight on the 30th June. 
What is My Small Business Finder?
My Small BusinessFinder is a tool for consumers and small businesses to use on Small BusinessSaturday and the run up to it which will enable you to enter a postcode and seethe small businesses in that area. It is available on the campaign website and mobile app (do make sure you have downloaded the app to find great small businesses in your area!).
In addition, itwill also allow you, as a small business, to enter a promotion, deal or offeravailable to celebrate Small Business Saturday. It's just our way of trying toconnect more customers with small businesses, and of course more smallbusinesses getting to know each other. Nearer the time, we will let all ournetworks know via social media when they should be thinking about My SmallBusiness Finder.
Ready to begin? Clickhere to start your application. Please notethat if you aren’t already registered with Small Business Saturday, you’ll needto register before you start (it only takes a minute). Once you’ve registered,you can complete the application process – look out for our blog post comingsoon that will talk you through it. Good luck!


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